English translation for "external interrupt"
- 外部中断
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | External interrupt status word 外岔断状态字组 | | 2. | 14 x external interrupts 个外部中断源 | | 3. | Because the cpu lacks enough external interrupt sources , pm5366 and pm4329 must share one interrupt source 由于处理器外部中断资源的限制,采用pm5366和pm4329共享中断的策略。 | | 4. | Timer interrupt generates control singal of control actuators and d . c . motors . external interrupt makes the dancing robot act in the correct order , when the robot comes into collision with the edge of the stage 定时器中断用于产生舵机与直流电机的控制信号;外部中断是在机器人发生边缘碰撞时进行处理,以保证后续舞蹈动作的正常执行。 | | 5. | From the point of scm applicantion , the whole system adopts not only rs - 232 serial communicaton ^ i2c serial communicaton , high speed output ( hso ) mentioned above , but also timer interrupt , external interrupt 从单片机的应用来看,整个系统除了用到上面提到的rs - 232和i ~ 2c串行通信、高速输出hso外,还用到定时器中断、外部中断等功能。 | | 6. | Especially it allows various types of interruptions of external digital input , timer output and a / d conversion , each type of interruption has its own role in the signal measurement or in exact pace control , its fifo buffer function makes it possible to work at the sampling rate of 200k samples per second without carrying over - burden interruption rate , its latch type external interrupt request along with its high frequency clock makes a precise locating of pulse edges possible 该控制系统在工作过程中,有多种产生于不同部件的信号需要检测,其中有模拟输入信号十三路,数字输入信号三路,通过数据采集和信号分析,判断该控制系统工作是否正常。结合系统检测的具体要求,本论文从硬件设计和软件设计两个方面,实现了数据采集系统的硬件接口电路和软件算法。 |
- Similar Words:
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